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Cross Training – Cycling in the Rain

If you recall I had a doctor tell me that I just don’t have the knees for running and that I should stick to cycling and swimming.  While I am able to do both I’m not a huge fan of either so that was wounding enough.

This morning I was given a challenge from Sensei.  When I woke up this morning and did a cardio warmup and stretch I didn’t know that today was the day I might discover I could learn to love cycling.

This entry is title cross training because before today, when Sensei spoke of  ‘cross training’ I always thought he meant ‘cross terrain running’ when in fact he told me that “karate is the base of everything, so when we lift weights or run it is ‘cross training’.”

I have always loved running because it pushes you to your physical limits and dares you to continue.  You feel your body aching and complaining, asking you to stop, and this is when you learn more about yourself when you see whether you are able to reach deep down and find that extra bit of strength and drive.  I never thought I could feel this way about anything else.  This is the only sport I feel safe and in control 100% of the time because it is your body, with no machines and really, no excuses.

When I run I normally have mini challenges for myself such as: run faster from here to that tree; run a block further than you originally planned, you’re not tired enough.  Today my mini challenges were to 1. never stop, and no matter what, never put your foot on the ground unless you’re at a stop light 2. don’t panic, keep your pace.

I am proud to say I did both.  There were two times where I could have gotten ahead of myself and freaked out on a hill, but I didn’t.  The first was on our first large hill when Sensei clearly past me but I kept my pace knowing that I would catch up to him eventually and would enough in the tank to finish well if I paced myself right now.  The second was the last hill, there was no time to pick up the pace to fight against the wind so it was literally like I was walking but was just pressing into the ground slowly and with tension on each step.  There was on point where I could feel the bike shaking from the wind and I knew I could be walking faster than I was moving, but, this is the moment you get when you’re running though it was a different feeling.  It wasn’t in your chest or sides as it would be in a run, but more mentally than ever.  “Do not, touch the ground!”  I must have looked like a crazy person.

While I have no idea how fast we did that cycle / run for Sensei, and while I didn’t feel the same kind of overall pain I get from running, I must say that I was content with what I did and feel like it gave me a new appreciation for cycling.

Maybe I will give cycling or swimming an honest attempt.  Stay tuned!

About Alisa Stefanie

A practitioner of karate using lessons learned in class, through books and other means of research to discover the 'do' in Karate-do.

2 responses to “Cross Training – Cycling in the Rain

  1. I am not sure where you are getting your info, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for great information I was looking for this information for my mission.

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